Viewing posts tagged enjoty

Enjoy the San Fermin gastronomy like a local in Pamplona
People is getting nervous…San Fermin is already here!! There are more and more people in the streets of Pamplona. Some people come from different places around the world, but there are also people from the city who need to go out and see how Pamplona starts smelling like Sanfermines. In the next lines we will tell you what the most typical dishes and drinks are in those festival days. You should try it all!
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Pinchos, mapa y sorteo de la XXIII Semana del Pincho de Navarra
¡La Semana del Pincho de Navarra ya está aquí! 🥳 Desde enjoty hemos querido facilitar el acceso a toda la información de los pinchos y hemos añadido todos los pinchos con su localización en un mapa. En el siguiente enlace podréis filtrar por ingrediente, pinchos sin gluten o pinchos vegetarianos/veganos:
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10 shots and drinks you have to try in Spain
The shots you drank last night is the first thing you remember when you are hangovered with that terrible headache. However, when that friend asked the usual question, “Shots?”, it sounded like a great idea. If the question comes together with psychological sentences like “we are not all together since ages...” or “you never go out with me...”, then chances are high that the round of shot will happen. The bad part is that it was just the first round, then another friend will follow, then another one, and we all know how this ends...
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Winner of the San Fermin running of the bulls raffle
Time goes fast and it is already one week since we started our raffle to see the running of the bulls at San Fermin (Pamplona, Spain). After adding the last-minute participations, we have drawn the winner and the alternates among the Facebook and Twitter participations. The winner is going to enjoty a breakfast with the person he/she chooses while they see the running of the bulls from a first-floor window at Txirrintxa (Estafeta street) on the 7th of July.
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