Viewing posts for the category Travelling

Enjoy the San Fermin gastronomy like a local in Pamplona
People is getting nervous…San Fermin is already here!! There are more and more people in the streets of Pamplona. Some people come from different places around the world, but there are also people from the city who need to go out and see how Pamplona starts smelling like Sanfermines. In the next lines we will tell you what the most typical dishes and drinks are in those festival days. You should try it all!
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7 things you need to know about Brazilian rodizios
Brazilian gastronomy provides a wealth of diversity of food, but there is something that comes to our minds when we think about Brazil and its food: the meat. Especially in some areas of the country, barbecues are really common and people use to make one at least weekly.
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The cider season – Txotx!!
If we join tradition and gastronomy, one of the things we can think of are, without any doubt, the cider houses. Thinking about these places and the cod omelet or cutlet we will taste makes our mouth water. Although there are cider houses in different places, in this article we will focus on the Basque ones. We can say that the birthplace of the cider in the Basque Country is located in Astigarraga, just 5 km from San Sebastian.
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Discovering Leon's gastronomy: 5 things you have to try
Leon, located in Castile and Leon (Spain), is one of those cities that you have to visit if you love to eat and enjoy every bite. Leon must be included in the list of the best places to go for tapas too, because with ten euros you can visit six or seven bars, taking a short beer (zurito, penalti ...) and tasting a tapa in each bar (in some bars even choosing it!). Basically, if you are passing through or on vacation, it is cheaper to go for tapas than to buy at the supermarket ;)
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Greece travel: Greek food that you cannot miss
There are some countries that you visit where the gastronomy plays a key role in your travel, even if there are other interesting things too. This is what happens with Greece. You can freak out with Athens, fall in love with Santorini or connect in a especial way with a hidden spot in Naxos, but the thing that you will always remember from Greece will be its gastronomy.
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