Viewing posts tagged Navarra

Tapas in Pamplona: Running of the Bull's route
The traditional “tapeo” in Pamplona is a form of culture to enjoy in a good company while you taste the “pinchos” (“pintxos” in the local language; “tapas” as they are well known worldwide) that different bars are used to offer. These tapas have been prepared with special care by the different chefs in each establishment.
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Enjoy the San Fermin gastronomy like a local in Pamplona
People is getting nervous…San Fermin is already here!! There are more and more people in the streets of Pamplona. Some people come from different places around the world, but there are also people from the city who need to go out and see how Pamplona starts smelling like Sanfermines. In the next lines we will tell you what the most typical dishes and drinks are in those festival days. You should try it all!
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Pinchos, mapa y sorteo de la XXIII Semana del Pincho de Navarra
¡La Semana del Pincho de Navarra ya está aquí! 🥳 Desde enjoty hemos querido facilitar el acceso a toda la información de los pinchos y hemos añadido todos los pinchos con su localización en un mapa. En el siguiente enlace podréis filtrar por ingrediente, pinchos sin gluten o pinchos vegetarianos/veganos:
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Mapa de restaurantes y bares abiertos con terraza en Pamplona y Comarca: desescalada
Actualización: Hemos actualizado el mapa de restaurantes y bares de Pamplona / Navarra para poder filtrar por tipo de cocina, recogida en local, envío a domicilio y disponibilidad a través de apps como Glovo, JustEat, UberEats o Deliveroo. Podéis ver el nuevo mapa en este enlace.

Sanferbeer 2018: II Feria de Cerveza Artesanal de Pamplona/Iruña
El último fin de semana de junio y primero de julio del año pasado se celebró la primera edición de la Feria de Cerveza Artesanal de Pamplona, bautizada como Sanferbeer Jaialdia y organizada por Morlaco Beer. Este nombre, como podréis suponer, viene del hecho de que se hace justo antes de San Fermín y sirve para animar aún más al personal y mentalizarse antes del evento del año en Pamplona. Se echaba de menos un evento de estas características en Pamplona, teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de cerveceras navarras que existen en la actualidad. Pues bien, ya llegan los Sanfermines y ya llega una nueva edición del Sanferbeer, que se celebrará el 22 y 23 de junio en la Antigua Estación de Autobuses, ¡la semana que viene!
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San Fermín 2017 menus in Pamplona
In a few days one of the best festivals in the world will begin: San Fermin (or Sanfermines). This amazing Spanish festival is celebrated in Pamplona (Navarre). The people living in Pamplona are already getting nervous. They are probably busy preparing the typical white trousers, the red handkerchief and organizing different gastronomic events with their friends. Some people coming from abroad don’t worry too much about preparations. They will just add a red handkerchief to their normal outfit and they will eat a sandwich somewhere. However, there is still a good number of people looking for good restaurants to enjoy the festival in a gastronomic way too.

Traditional Christmas dinner and lunch menus
December is almost here and we have to sign up or organize the traditional Christmas lunch and dinner again.
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Winner of the San Fermin running of the bulls raffle
Time goes fast and it is already one week since we started our raffle to see the running of the bulls at San Fermin (Pamplona, Spain). After adding the last-minute participations, we have drawn the winner and the alternates among the Facebook and Twitter participations. The winner is going to enjoty a breakfast with the person he/she chooses while they see the running of the bulls from a first-floor window at Txirrintxa (Estafeta street) on the 7th of July.
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